Blabber Bird..!!
Click.. The mind is triggered..! A blog, started few months back has nothing in it. And suddenly, a serendipitous meeting becomes an inspiration to write.
It was meeting on life’s cross roads with a person. A normal human like you and me.. May be a bit ancestral, cos has a monkey smile.. ;-).. That’s the joke part of it! But, eventually yes, just another fellow human. And what was different that triggered my buzzer to write? It is the verbal instincts of that lady!
I have never met a person who can talk faster or swap topics any more or just go on and on with her words. An hour’s talk with her, if attributed to our former Prime Minister’s talking pace, would surely take him a few weeks to talk as much. And believe you me, it’s not an exaggeration. Only if your mind is capable of digesting multiple topics at a time, capable of comprehending with the switch overs' and remembering which topic was stopped where, cos you never know when it would be referred again. But when ever referred, you are assumed to recollect where ever it was stopped the last time! Ain't it tricky.. And mind you, it’s a business with a girl, cos if you don’t recollect, your memory is to be blamed, not the infinite topics covered in a few minutes.
So, what am I driving at? Terming it as noise pollution, or sheer wastage of human energy, evaporating through mouth?? OBVIOUSLY NOT.. Rather I am in awe of this person. And probably grateful too.. Grateful, because this blabber of hers is getting me back to my senses. It is teaching me patience. It is sharpening my mind to switch overs’ and memory to recollect minute details. If I may not forget, it is making me a good listener (It’s an assumption though..)
In AWE.. I mean in literal sense. One would wonder, how you keep on listening and listening and listening. And listening to what.. OK, that reminds of the ‘Basanti’ in Sholay.. Now I am sure, you get it what I mean.
I was just walking down the road. And came thought passing by.. At the age of 60, would I prefer to come back to a partner who’s serious and has few words to share, or has spoken all she had to and now its mere silence between us? Or would I want to come back to a partner, with whom, every new day has lots of new things to share. Every small rendezvous becomes a big story.. Think.. Right here, In her words, I’ll come back to this later!!
At the present pace of science & technology, and more specifically Communications & I.T., it is not far away, when we would die to hear a word of our dear one. Probably a hello from a long distance friend, tears of joy and pain of our close ones, caring words of mother, words of caution of our father.. The nagging partners. It would not be long.. When verbal language would be attributed to annals of history.. Not because we would not want it.. But because the soft communicators, like emails and chat would have taken over. Many other soft communicators may have been developed which I am not aware of. And this would lead to a silence, a silence which has never been experienced before.. It is like that story, where, in an I.T. company, an employee sneezes while working on his comp. Next moment, there’s loadsa mails in his inbox saying ‘God Bless’, but not a single word to hear.. And, we’d be just left with our desires to hear, to listen, to realize that our body has the sense of hearing!
And so driving back to my Question..?? Is this silence what I want? Or would I prefer a blabber bird, which will make my life alive..??
It’s not an individual question.. It's the question for the globe.. Does the globe want silence?? The way we miss chirping birds today? Or we want this enchanting blabber??
I have my answer.. I am sure, you have yours too..!!
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago