9 years... Break..
6 years... Break..
5 years... Break..
4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. BREAK..
Weird, ain't it? Wat numbers, years and breaks? I too thought of the same, as weird as it could be.. Breaks ranging at any span from a few months to few years!
Ok, I spoke enough in code language. Last few months, I have been observing the relationship trends, and this is what it is. I have seen the best of the relations coming to a closure in a timespan. And the reasons, if we discuss on this platform, we will have whole lotta bunch of people rolling with laughter. Yet, these will be the one's who have been through it some or other time.
Relations seem to have become like the doll marriage which we had in kindergarten. A small tug, and the so called strong bond of a relation goes snap. What is it that has made our bondings, our emotions, our affinity so weak? And where is it going to take us?
(... This is just a start to a thought.. Probably it will evolve the next I blog..)
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago