Ad-hoc writer, I think thats what I have become!
I had written more than 90 sheets and around same number of emails during my 90 days US experience in 2004. Every moment of it was documented, kinda relegated to the personal history of Dee Dee.. (Yeah, it sounds boring! ;-)..) Though, the interesting fact is, that the writing exercise itself screwed my first infatuation, but YEAH, the emails got me in the relation of my life too.. :)
But, during the last Paris trip or for matter of fact, this round the globe one too, I have not been able to relocate my writing bearings! A stroll on the road gives rise to a thousand ripples of thoughts, few become strong enough waves, but none become the ink to touch the shores of paper! Just thought of a list of topics I'd love to write bout.. Here's a glimpse, I'll elaborate, wen my brain starts coordinating in a better sense!
1) The "American Desi Sunday".. It was one of the best days of my trip! An insight in what I always dreamt of as ideal relations, ideal lifestyle; for that matter, everything we term idealistic or more so, dreamy stuff about the happy (couple oriented) lifestyle! (Ok, tat will need a lot of elaboration!) And, yes, it is just amazing! Surely, a part of our lives has to be this, especially with our life partners! Its gonna be on my priority list..!!
Unbelievably, this led to a dream come true for me too! "The Universe conspires to get to you, your dreams!" Yes.. IT does! Bro Abhay, small miracles, do happen! And yes, they happen over the meanest machines! This time it was a drive in CONVERTIBLE VOLKSWAGEN, which led me to... Everyone else, keep on guessing!
2) The clashing American Universities.. Those who know the tumultuous ride of my admissions, help me elaborate..!! ;-) (Sanyu, u r gonna be the best fit for it!)
3) I stand at this point! On my west, 6400 miles is the place from where I flew 10 hours back, San Francisco. On the East at 6800 miles is the place where I'll fly on Tuesday, back home, Mumbai. So is spread the where abouts of the world on all the directions, with their National Flags marked on the dome! Have you guessed what I am speaking about?
The Eiffel.. YES.. The top of The Eiffel! "Zeroth Infinity of Eternity" I carried this mark on my palm for 4 years! Shared with my close Engineering friends, Mridul and Ash.. Debated the concept with the super brains, Chini.. Lived the concept with my life, my love.. And still, there's so much more to it.. It amazes me, the concept and the Eiffel! I am sure everyone is left spell bound, who so ever has seen it! How a structure can stand above all, in the History of mankind, as a story of endurance of humans and their power of creation!
Who-so-ever said, the SECRET (of will power) doesn't exist.. The Eiffel proudly invites you!
4) The Bewada.. Yes Bewadi, be happy! I am calling myself the name! The whole rendezvous with wines and liquor, and the experience of being at home with Vodka..! TT, the Goa trip has shown its wonders here!
5) The Memoirs.. Or should I say, the Frisco Nostalgia? I still can feel the pain of not being able to locate the point of Sunset, the donut rock full of seagulls! The midnight swim beach.. The rocks which were witness to the overwhelming outburst of emotions.. The 3 friends, who were bonded over the most tough period of survival! Rachel and Annika, we have to be here again!
6) WORDS.. My Life.. "As mesmerizing as Universe" "A trickling sensation of water, wind and earth, all encompassed into!"
I am not too sure if the words in the language vocabulary will reveal the emotions! Manifestation of life..!
(The same day, as of American Desi experience, but in the lap of nature! A cluster of 3 lakes.. Single walkway passing through all.. Me, the lone soul walking! Trees alongside.. No artificial noise.. Winds blowing in face.. Smell of wet mud.. The ducks.. The red soil.. The setting sun and the rising moon! Genuinely, "A trickling sensation of water, wind and earth, all encompassed into!"
This is what I term, "let the nature be you!")
The Memoirs.. They can make one as nostalgic..
It reminds me of a quote by Charlie Chaplin, "I love to walk in rains, because no one can see my tears!"
AND, outside this window, I can see the rains lashing the Eiffel..
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago