Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hand in hand...

One hand holding mine.. Other hand in her husband's hand.. He bends down to kiss her forehead.. And.. And everything goes still.. No movement.. No reactions.. No life..

One year down the line, when I look back, there's absolutely nothing which seems to have vanished from my memory. It still feels as if I will knock the door and enter the house to the most beautiful compassionate caring smile! I will enter in the world of love, affection and warmth of a mother! And yes, I still do enter the world, though not physically.

Have you ever wondered, what is it that makes these relations? I was absolutely not related to her, but I was still bonded as strong as the bond of blood is. It was a bond which was established in first meeting, survived the few years of her physical abode, and continues with her heavenly presence! It is bond which till date stays physically embarked on the gold! In literal sense, it has been ALCHEMY..!

We get attached to people with whom we share no blood line.. And contrary to this, we take for granted the blood relations closest to us.. Screw them for the wellbeing of other! Take them for granted.. Ain't the relation with mother, a perfect example?

I am just left speechless with this whole affair of relations!

But the question still remains, HOW? How are these relations formed? Why? So many times in life, we just meet someone to realize, if it would not had been for that person, it would not had been for what we are. I know, the nature has its own patterns and surely, when we grow up and look back, the picture will manifest itself. But right now, it is unanswered.

Is the life this frail? Or is it the strength of life? Or is it at the end, the flow of the river? Cos, a death stops nothing.. Disappearing of a loved one from ones life stops nothing.. Everything continues! Life moves on! Yea.. Thats the right phrase, life moves on! The river flows!

Not only life moves on, life dances! The cycle continues..

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mean Machine..!

The second blog in the thread continues.. This was also started in the US..

I'd started this interesting blog last Monday, speaking bout my "Typical American (Desi) Weekend" Experience.. Though my writing skills made it really boring! ;-) And yes, it served its purpose, Ashish did catch upon a good sleep! lol..

By the time we reached consensus bout the days plan, it was evening! And Wine Tasting was the plan.. More than the destination, the mode to reach the destination is exciting.. CONVERTIBLE WOLKSVAGEN.. Blasting punjabi music..

We drive for about an hour before we reach a fence.. Drive in and park our car!
There's this amazing gothic structure to our right! Front is a huge wooden door! And right besides our car is parked a merc.. Guys, Merc is not a big deal, but a yellow merc.. Thats called showing off.. It was the meanest machine I'd ever seen! For the first time I felt bad for not carrying a camera. though the ever presence of Nokia handset compensated for the same!

Ailla.. This blogs seriously becoming descriptively serious..

And inside this Gothic structure, was taking place one of the most revered rituals of life, union of two souls.. Wedding bells were ringing! Bride in this beautiful garb.. Bride groom in elegant suit! And I am sure, they were gonna drive down the Yellow Merc.. The luck pouring mean machine..

The Weekend..!

The blog I had written wen in the US.. THE SUNDAY..


This word has always left me in awe. There may be hardly any other word as in demand. Come Monday & Tuesday, the weekend is in past referrals. Wednesday is looking forward to the coming one. Thursday, the weekend heat starts evolving. Friday, past noon, it is weekend mood! Saturday and Sunday, do I need to say anything??

I used to always wonder, what it is that is associated with these days? Cos, for me, it was Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, the busiest day. Just that there was a difference in the routine. So, the curious dumb head of mine wanted to have one such corporate weekend! And here, in the developed world of the States, in the bay area of California, that's what I am enjoying! Yes, enjoying..

Yesterday, Sunday, woke a bit late, like at 07.00 am. Was on net till 9. Went out for a walk at 9, but ended up with bro in his car, to pick up breakfast and coffee! Come back home and.. And is relaxed! No rush, no hush.. No enforcing bath, nor any chores.. We relax and munch over the breakfast for around an hour. An hour more is spent on discussing the plan for Sunday. And, then a plan comes up for shopping. I don't wana get out of that lazy mood, but cos the shopping is necessary, I decide to move my lazy bums.. And to my astonishment, I have to just move them from the dining to the sofa! Cos the old fashioned shopping is out.. Darshan, which world are you in? These are the days of IT. We log in on few sites, and start looking for products. Ranging from the spare parts of the toilet flush to a whole house.. From the necessities of an expecting mother to the extravagant need of branded stuff for an adult.. All's available at the click of a mouse.

Finally, done with shopping, we relax. OR are we really done with shopping? Hmmm.. depends on the perspective. Cos we have actually purchased nothing, neither has anything been delivered. We have just yet shortlisted the products! There will be more research done over the day. Much more factors thought about, and finally it will be ordered! Wow.. I never can imagine my tiny li'l brain processing all this data and trying to figure out a solution. Thats why probably my shirt never matches my trousers, and I need to use the weekdays defined socks, so that I dont end up wearing same combination for the whole week! Yes, its true.. I am still dependent on mom and sis for this!

Hmmm.. So, now we choose to move! I go for a shower. Come out to find myself hungry again! Wat a capacity this small size of digestive system has! By the time I am making my plate, the phones are already ringing and the plan being made. It is not easy to plan.. Especially when you have as many options as your mind wants to think of! After hard work of 2 hours, a plan is finalized. And the best part is, it is already 4 pm in the clocks and the place we need to visit is open till 5. Now what? Again the frenzy calls and the plan is altered. We finally find a winery and wine tasting is going to be the evening!

I am excited to be there! Looking forward to the evening..! AND.. Is the best part of the Sunday..

Coming up in next post..!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Metta's Definition of Marriage

Full of excitement, I wrote a mail of my decision to take admission at the University of North Carolina to one and all. Thank you for all your best wishes..

Now, what's the relation of my admission and the definition of marriage? Please go ahead and read..

"When I was choosing a man to marry, wise people said that I should keep my eyes very wide open when dating, and half closed when married. For me it was just a reminder that once I had made a very careful decision about my commitment, I needed to be confident about my decision - that it was right for me - and not get hung up on every little flaw in my husband. So, I give you the same advice. Because you have made your decision, I encourage you to be confident that it was the right choice, learn about your options to excel, be proactive, and come to learn." .. Metta

The above is an excerpt of the mail I received from a friend called Metta, who is my senior at the Department of Social Work at University of North Carolina!

Ain't it just amazing.. And thought provoking too.. Surely, start of a new chain!