Hand in hand...
One hand holding mine.. Other hand in her husband's hand.. He bends down to kiss her forehead.. And.. And everything goes still.. No movement.. No reactions.. No life..
One year down the line, when I look back, there's absolutely nothing which seems to have vanished from my memory. It still feels as if I will knock the door and enter the house to the most beautiful compassionate caring smile! I will enter in the world of love, affection and warmth of a mother! And yes, I still do enter the world, though not physically.
Have you ever wondered, what is it that makes these relations? I was absolutely not related to her, but I was still bonded as strong as the bond of blood is. It was a bond which was established in first meeting, survived the few years of her physical abode, and continues with her heavenly presence! It is bond which till date stays physically embarked on the gold! In literal sense, it has been ALCHEMY..!
We get attached to people with whom we share no blood line.. And contrary to this, we take for granted the blood relations closest to us.. Screw them for the wellbeing of other! Take them for granted.. Ain't the relation with mother, a perfect example?
I am just left speechless with this whole affair of relations!
But the question still remains, HOW? How are these relations formed? Why? So many times in life, we just meet someone to realize, if it would not had been for that person, it would not had been for what we are. I know, the nature has its own patterns and surely, when we grow up and look back, the picture will manifest itself. But right now, it is unanswered.
Is the life this frail? Or is it the strength of life? Or is it at the end, the flow of the river? Cos, a death stops nothing.. Disappearing of a loved one from ones life stops nothing.. Everything continues! Life moves on! Yea.. Thats the right phrase, life moves on! The river flows!
Not only life moves on, life dances! The cycle continues..
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago