Yes.. I am! I am proud of my country, the beautiful colors, the culture, the natural beauty.. :Unity in Diversity!" The first sentence imprinted on my mind from the history book. All the history I was taught was baout how India has suffered and how we have peacefully fought it back, won our freedom! What I am taught is to love my motherland and turn a blind eye towards her fallacies.. And, this is where I miss the other side of the coin. In my love for my mother land, I forget it is the same country that has instilled innumerable instances of injustice on it's own citizens!
Ain't it the same

For all fanatically proud Indians like me is the movie, "Des Hoyaa Pardes." If you can see it in one go, let me know!
I was proud to meet the top official of one of the Indian police services, that takes pride in protecting Indian land in 1985! I was in awe, inspired, the typical "me" reaction! After watching this movie, and listening to a few who have been through the tyranny of Indian Police, I am not sure which of my reaction is right? The one I felt then, or the one I feel right now?
I am not denying the greatness of my mother land, neither the potential to be one of the places for humanity to thrive. Pride and love for one's country is great, but not at the cost of reality. Because the moment I blind myself of reality, I loose all the opportunities to improve that can be improved!
I find answer in a sher by Mirza Ghalib..
ज़िन्दगी के सफ़र में किसी को इतना मत चाहो, के वो तुम्हारी चाहतों का कातिल, वफाओं का सौदागर बन जाये | - मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब
I would not love my country blind folded, that it would kill my love, and deal my integrity. I'd rather love my country with open eyes, so that I do not miss upon the opportunities to make it better!
P.S.: This article represents only one side of the coin, the dark one. India has a huge positive side, that I love, and would ever do! I love my India!