The lights are out, as I prepare to sleep
Between the sheets I notice the soft
Warm moonlight streaming through
The window above my bed.
I pause and smile thinking of you and
The love we shared. I settle in clutching an
Extra pillow to my chest laying in this huge
Bed all alone. My thoughts drifting over the
Days events, the people I have talked to and those
I have missed. Things I did and things still that
Need to be done.
I think of how much I love you, how much
I miss you. I wonder if you are feeling
Well and doing all right. Smiling, I think
Of how I have watched your eyes light up in
Excitement, the look of anticipation in them.
Remembering the look of your smile as it crossed
Your face. How you made me feel so loved.
I think of the times we were together and the
Love we have shared as I continue to drift
in sleep.
During the night I feel you quietly crawl
In bed next to me, snuggling in, your warmth
Easing my fears, I feel your soft caresses and
Hear the words of tendernes and endearments.
Smiling I bask in the warmth and contentment of
Your love, then quietly continue to dream those
dreams we hoped to share.
Morning comes once again, as I slowly begin
To wake a tear slides down my cheek as I
Realize it was just a dream.
You are not there, and neither are
my dreams.
From: http://www.lovelypoems.com/Dream.shtml
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago