Shannon, for you to read...
Do you remember the two beautiful kid girls outside Grand Prince? The luncheons and the handshakes? The hugs? I am sure, you do, much more than I would.
In the similar manner, here, at Dharamshala, there are two or three ladies with their kids. Usually they stand outside the small cafe or the staff mess, where people have their lunch. they ask fro alms, but as well for food and water. From day one, I was struggling whether I should go ahead an offer them meals or just let it be... Don't forget, they were not kids, they were ladies. But, they did have two kids with them, a small girl who reminded me of the younger one in Dhaka. And why was I struggling? do you recall the debate about "feeding a fish vis-a-vis teaching them to fish" and the beggar syndicate thingy... I was unsure.
Today, looking at that young girl staring at me while I was having my meal, my internal debate reached its peak. And I remembered our talk on the way back from bank! Yes, I did accordingly, what my heart said. Handed over a plate of food to the little girl....
And let me tell you, I feel much more calm! At ease... A sense of peace!
Yes, it is more important to teach some one to feed himself rather than feeding them for free. But I feel, it is equally important to let that person survive for that moment when he can learn the skills, if ever someone who can teach them comes along! Till then, as we spoke, lets just embark on our li'l mission, in our modest capcities!
I am going to teach the kid the handshake tomorrow.. :-)
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago
This makes my heart smile. Sometimes we have to think on the micro/emotional level rather than on the macro/logical level. Otherwise, we are no different than cold machines that can process data but not feel anything or show any compassion. Sure, the world would be a lot more orderly and efficient if we all thought like that, but geez, who would want to live in a world like that?
I miss Rabina and Sharmin - I often wonder how they are doing and I think about asking Samir to buy them some ice cream bars for me.
Thanks for sharing, D.
I miss them too!!! And not only this, yesterday evening, I met the old lady too.. And fetched her a cup of tea and bread! It was worth seeing the smile, the smile that does not fit in nay of the utopian debates we have.. Thanks for the encouragement!!!
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