Saturday, August 29, 2009

The umbrella stick

I recall the trek to Pindari Kafni glaciers in Dhauladhar Himalayan range, way back in 1990s… It was one of my first few treks in Himalayas. It was with Yuvashakti, and I was walking with my batch. I found a big stick lying beside the road, I picked it up and started walking, using it as my third leg. The nature absorbed me, the stick and the legs got in their own rhythm and without my realization, my pace had increased multifold. Within next couple of hours, I was far ahead of my group. By early evening, I had already crossed the batch that had left a day earlier. And then, the batch incharge stopped me, realizing he had not seen this face with him… The story goes on, as to how I was grounded and then I had ot rejoin my group and all….

The crux is, a stick had added to my speed. Then, I had used a stick as fun element, today, I need it… Yesterday, I ended up buying one of those long umbrellas, the colorful ones. Actually I should have done this as soon as I was discharged, but “der aaye, durust aaye!” It is amazing, how that one piece serves dual purpose, when need may as umbrella and when need may as my guiding stick. I am neither allowed exposure to sunlight, nor can I judge 3-dimensional distances that well, and I hope it will serve a perfect tool. Actually, one of my faculty offered me her white stick, but I cannot encash on my partial blindness for disability benefits of complete blindness. Anyway, so the conclusion is, I always wanted that umbrella, and finally I have it… 

I’m gonna use it and, let you know, what my walking speed gets to!!!

And this is what I hope the umbrella would do to me... ;)
(Did any one say of being an opportunist?? lol)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Minister who offers rides…

This is a post from when I was in Dharamshala... No clue how I left it without posting...

Minister for International Relations of a government… Wow, what a position, the pomp, the limelight, the fan following (this might not be true, cos it is usually the “chamcha” following)… Anyway, the ministers accompanied with a cavalcade of cars, body guards, secretaries and the public. That’s what a minster is, and what does such a minister has to do with offering car rides? I had heard that J.R.D. Tata used to do that in Mumbai, offering car rides to random people. So did a few other industrialists and a few other common men. But what about a minister?

Yeah, I met a minister who did that. Not only she did it, but it was a gesture on her own, not on the part of our request or our begging. The minister I am speaking about is the Minister for Information and International Relations of the Central Tibetan Administration. She was on her way to Delhi, and was supposed to take the same flight as that of Abhay. When she came to know of it from her Secretary, she offered to give him a ride in her car, with her, to the airport. When it was not only Abhay, but me too accompanying him, it was not a wicked smile of invasion of privacy that greeted me, rather I was welcomed with a warm smile full of humility. In our ride of about 45 minutes, the minister spent most of her time speaking with the driver, rather, “conversing” with the driver. Yeah, she was letting him speak and listening to what he had to say. She laughed on his jokes, and expressed concern on his concerns. She spoke with us as well, apologizing for speaking in Tibetan with the driver and her accomplice.

It was beyond my contemplation to believe this… A lady who had represented His Holiness in London, and held high offices, was right in front of us, being an epitome of humility!

Am I bragging so much cos I was with the minister and want to highlight that? Nopes, this is a testimony to the (expected) reality of our politicians!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mad Eye (Moo)dee...

MooDee... That's what I am right now, rather I was!

They took me from Poona Hospital to Ruby for a check up by specialist (neuro-physician). Now, like other doctors, this person had a long queue of patients outside his office. Me, Dad, and bro, three of us were waiting outside. It had been just 5 days after the accident and I was sitting with my eyes closed. Suddenly, I heard a hustle and kind of thumping of feet, and someone walking. I opened my eyes to see a girl who was earlier sitting right across me, now had changed positions and gone to some corner. At this moment, my cousin told me what had happened... Apparently I was staring at her, winking one eye! WOW... And I had no clue. Cos, my left eye was closed; but my right eye wasn't. ;).. exactly like this!

Since the day I saw my face in mirror after the accident, I have been constantly reminded of Mad Eye Moody. Hey, all you fans of Mad Eye Moody, don't worry, I am not claiming any closeness to his goodness. Just the facial marks and the eye, they held similarities. Of the best of my knowledge of Harry Potter, the only difference I assume was, he had super vision with his special eye, and I have none! ;)

So girls, if you feel I am staring, don't give the credit to your beauty, as the credit is all that of my eye... ;) lol

Anyway, now that the accident is a history and I am resuming back to life, there are many such instances of those 15 days that come back! I will try and update the most...


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back home

After an eventful summer, the globe trotter mode for more than 3 months, I am finally back home. :) It would not be an exaggeration if I say, "back in one piece," and "fit n fine."

Now, while I have a long list of 'pending' or 'to be done,' there's lots other that would demand my attention too... ;)

So, will keep you all updated, possibly the twitter format, but on blog! ;)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Crash!

Hello!!! :) I'm back with a broad smile, thanks to wishes from one and all. I should consider myself lucky and blessed to have such a vast pool of friends to support and bless me.

As it was updated, I had a car accident last Tuesday. Today, exactly a weak later, and approximately at the same time when my car rammed in a trolley on the highway, I am updating you all with the weeks happenings. It was about 9:15 p.m. and I was on my way back to Pune on Bengaluru-Pune (Indian National Highway 4), when a overloaded trolley changed the lanes to first lane. The headlights of a trolley coming from other side blinded me off for a moment, and that was when my car rammed into this vehicle which had suddenly appeared in my lane. Anyway, all's well that ends well. Now that you are reading from me, be rest assured, I am recovering well. Was discharged from the hospital today evening after a weeklong rest come care.

As of physical situation, I consider myself doing better. Till this afternoon I was unable to use my palms as they were pinned with IV syringes, but now that they are removed, I am able to type. There were a few dozen of stitches on my face, and a few internal cracks which still exist. According to the doc, the cracks will heal on its own in due course of time, so I am not much concerned about it. The only major concern is my right eye, which I hope will improve in due course. And yeah, that reminds me, I have got three awesome marks below and above my right eye, giving me complete "CROOK" looks, an irony to being a peace fellow! ;)

Anyway, friends, I genuinely wish to take this opportunity to thank one and all, including my parents, family, friends, and well wishers, without whose support, I could not have been able to get in touch with you all so soon. I do not promise that I will be regular very soon, as I am still a bit disoriented and need time with my vision. But, I do want to say that I am grateful for all your support and best wishes, and so is my family over whelmed with the support and affection. Thank you for all the love!

And, just for you all to have a glimpse, try searching for a the car in the pic.. ;)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Darshan's accident

Dear All,
I am Darshan`s father, Purushottam Mundada.
This is to inform you all about accident. Darshan met an motor vehicle accident. car is very badly damaged but fortunately Darshan has not got any major injury. It happened on 4.Aug.9 at 9pm. At the moment he is in Poona Hospital. He is expected to be in the hospital till 10.Aug.09.His right optic nerve is damaged and it has affected his vision. We all are concerned about his vision. Due to swelling on right optic nerve, motor signals are not transmitted and hence the problem. Doctor has continued treatment for 2 days more and his case is under observation. We are also seeking expert opinion from another hospital. Let us hope some thing good will come out of it.
I am sorry to inform you that he may have to under go further eye treatment but exact time required can be confirmed only after 10.Aug.09.
I request you to inform to all concern persons...
Best regards,
Purushottam Mundada