Dear All,
I am Darshan`s father, Purushottam Mundada.
This is to inform you all about accident. Darshan met an motor vehicle accident. car is very badly damaged but fortunately Darshan has not got any major injury. It happened on 4.Aug.9 at 9pm. At the moment he is in Poona Hospital. He is expected to be in the hospital till 10.Aug.09.His right optic nerve is damaged and it has affected his vision. We all are concerned about his vision. Due to swelling on right optic nerve, motor signals are not transmitted and hence the problem. Doctor has continued treatment for 2 days more and his case is under observation. We are also seeking expert opinion from another hospital. Let us hope some thing good will come out of it.
I am sorry to inform you that he may have to under go further eye treatment but exact time required can be confirmed only after 10.Aug.09.
I request you to inform to all concern persons...
Best regards,
Purushottam Mundada
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago
Dear Mr. Mundada, please convey the following message to Darshan:
Darshan, I had not heard from you for quite a while but I thought you were off on a retreat somewhere. I had no idea you'd been in an accident. I am so sorry you are having to face this unfortunate event. Thank God you are safe, but as for your vision, I will pray that the swelling goes down and that all your sight is completely restored. Keep your spirits up and know that people all across the world are keeping you in their hearts and praying for your quick recovery. Please keep us updated and thank your father for sharing the news with us. **BIG HUG from California** - Shannon
this is indeed sad news..kindly convey my best wishes to Darshan for speedy recovery..god bless him!!
Dear Mr. Mundada,
Thank you for informing us.
For Darshan,
Dear Darshan, Hope you get well soon buddy. You will be ready disco and rock n roll in no time.
All the best wishes!!
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