I was supposed to write something about a week ago, but thought it was too early. My blog is about me and my life, and usually I am too fast to put posts up. But, I assume, this time I was wrong. It was not too early, neither was I making assumptions or judgments. Sometimes, it is meant to be... It's about faith, and holding unto faith is me!
Anyway, so to the topic: What is ABCD? I've heard this phrase umpteen number of times since my arrival in States. Have been using it on and off, at times meaning it, at times just to tease the person. America Born Confused Desi, that's what it stands for. And, I used it a bit too much in last 15 days... Genuinely too much, though I never meant it. But how does that matter? I was using it any way. Indian that I am, proud to be a Desi, but would not know my limits to joke. Anyway... Too much use of that phrase slammed back in my face, BIG TIME.
The so called Desi's coming from India are very casual in categorizing the second or third generation American Indians as ABCDs, assuming we are the torch bearers of real India. How true is that? If you get an opportunity to interact with any of "them," take it and you will find the answer. I met an ABCD a few days ago. Got an opportunity to spend some more time with her over the weekend. Realized, she could speak better Hindi than most people I know from India. She knew more Hindi proverbs than me.. That's just an example. I have met many other ABCDs and known more about india from them than I knew... So, why even have that phrase? Dad gave me the answer. "It is how we perceive and not how the other person behaves." Speaks for itself...
I am proud to say I rarely judged the ABCD category. But, after this rendezvous, I doubt if I'll even use that phrase jokingly ever after. Desi am I, Desi are they; rather WE Indians!
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago
I agree..Because people here who came long ago tend to hold on to our culture more than we do ( India prides in progressing the McDonald culture)as its their last and only connection to India..they pass on more knowledge and "sanskritis" than we ever pay attention to while living in India and it helps that diversity s celebrated and respected here..so every minute little detail that comes to their attention garners many more attentive seekers than it can in India. A classic e.g. we recognized Satyajit Ray as a genius only after the west regd him as one..we ape the west without thinking..and yet are ready to mock them as ABCD's to justify our superiority
Very interesting - let's talk about this next time we chat. I'm going to shamelessly use this comment to make a note of the things I want to bring up, so I don't forget. They include this idea of the the "real" India, of India as a reality vs India as an ideology (are the confused, wannabe hip-hop gangsta kids around multiplexes and bars any less "Indian" than the shuddh Hindi speakers?), of the concept of an "imaginary homeland" as explained to me by another dear friend, as well as what is "Indianness", and how it would/should react to "westernness", either as Western culture comes to India or the Indian diaspora moves west.
Sonal, I would agree. We recognize most or our own genius only after west does... SO, nothing new.. ;)
Chini, ya, we should catch up. But in context of this discussion, I think it would be incomplete if we would not have an ABCD on board with us... ;)
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