So, it's back to square one!
I was reading William Dalrymple's Nine Lives, incidentally a travel book on India! In the book, he speaks of Karma. Rather Karma is his underlying theme... "..[I] believe in karma, and in cause and effect. An action has consequences; we are the consequences of our acts." And it reminds me of two other phrases, "Back to square one;" and "What goes around, comes around..." Incidentally, my life keeps throwing such surprises at me, that can only be explained through these age old words of wisdom. Though, I would never be explain what had to come around, and what led to come around... lol
"What is done is done, and I can't undo my actions." I know it for sure... Yet, the heart and the mind would run through the old incidents, the records of our brains and would want to check what went wrong? Why does the pattern have to repeat with me? lol
I don't know... But something seems to be jinxed. When ever I choose an option, the door slightly opens, to slam in my face the next moment. Wow, my face should have some strength to bear that time and again... Excuse me, if you are one of those who's raising his/her eyebrows while reading this and want to remind me of my blessings. Sure, I do, I do remember one and all. Me being alive is the biggest of them. Here, I am speaking in another context! I remember the medical professional, my family physician telling my Dad, something seems jinxed with Darshan... That kinda resonates with Wendy's quote: "Myths pick up the pieces where philosophy throws up its hands. The great myths may help survivors to think through this unthinkable catastrophe, to make sense by analogy." So, in my case, the analogy resonates what the Dalai Lama had said to me more than a decade ago. Yes, that actually puts everything in place!
So, irrespective of who comes and goes, in Dalrymple's words again: "The water moves on, a little faster than before, yet still the great river flows. It is as fluid and unpredictable in its moods as it has ever been, but it meanders within familiar banks."
(How do I usually land up with words related to flowing water, any time when I find myself in difficult situation? :) )
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago
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