Saturday, June 26, 2010

Love, Hate & Life...

"But then, it has become a kind of obsession, almost like a one-sided love affair with a quirky beloved. Perhaps I am just not used to leaving troublesome relationships midway!"

Just read this in an email from someone... It weaved in three threads that I was trying to think about, surely love, hate and life, all together bound by "trust" to form "relations." A weird equation, ain't it? Irony in itself... 

I am confused, I find myself anxious. It is difficult to understand the true meanings of these words... Let me check the dictionary!

Love =
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection [like]...
Hate =  to dislike intensely or passionately...
Trust = reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence...

And, while I am looking up trust, I find a kind of answer to my question, of why am I trying to write this post... Because, trust is also defined as: confident expectation of something; hope.. HOPE! A word that banged outta movie Shawshank Redemption.

If I recall most of my discussions through life, I hear people speaking of hope. In hope of something or everything. In hope of gaining or loosing. In hope living or dying... One or another, but hope! And the moment the hope goes missing, it is like a Dementor's kiss... Blank, gone, oblivious to life!

Why am I writing all this? In last few days, I found myself struggling to balance the tricky triangle of love, hate and relations! The experiences that define my expectations have led me down at times, and exceeded my assumption at other. But, there's no sure pattern, neither is there a pre-determined sequence of actions. And through all of this, I have been sticking with a bare minimum thread of hope, hoping my own negative thoughts will not impact the bets of my life, hoping I can trust myself and others, hoping ti will turn out the way we imagine it together! 

hope... I hope...


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