I need to get regular about writing, else I am gonna miss documenting most of these amazing experiences. Though, as of now, I have the intermittent internet connection to blame, cos it is unavailable exactly when I am in the mood to write!
Any way, the good news is, I experienced a grand welcome to Dhaka. What was that? Guess...?? Lost my more than tow year old Nokia N70!!! Howzzat... More than the cell phone, I lost all the data it contains! Awesome.. It's going to be after a few years that I am spending a day without my cellphone in my pocket! Actually was thinking of utilizing this opportunity to get rid of my cell phone addiction, but not much success! Already bought a new (cheap) handset, and will reactivate the card tomorrow!
That's the interesting story as of now, many more stories in pipeline, but only after I am able to shed off my inertia and push my lazy bones to move, if brain chooses to work!
Catch ya soon with more Bangla tales!
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago
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