Long time... It becomes really difficult to articulate loads of happenings and squeeze them in one posting. Especially when you've not posted for a while... ;-)
So, where am I currently? I am in India, basking in the 40 degree temperatures ;-), ready to leave for Bangladesh tomorrow. Will be in Dhaka, working with Grameen Bank for about 35 days till June 16, when I am scheduled to leave for Birmingham, England for the Rotary Peace Symposium. The travel would continue to Dharamshala, India after the Peace Symposium concludes on June 20. For another 45 days, I will be at Dharamshala to complete the Applied Field Experience (AFE) with Central Tibetan Authority (formerly known as Tibetan Government in Exile). Then, I'll be back home for 10 days, before I take off for my abode in USA, Chapel Hill!!!
The itinerary looks quite attractive, wotsay?? But, it did not come off easily. Navigating through the bureaucratic structures and manipulating people, it took quite a while, and quite a bit of patience to finalize this schedule. I was looking forward to my dream internship/AFE in Afghanistan with the UNDP and WB, in congruence with the Afghan government. Mann, that was a hell of an internship, an opportunity of lifetime. Unfortunately, the US State department's travel advisory and Rotary's strict abidance to the same jeopardized my opportunity. Isn’t it ironical that a peace fellow is denied to work in a conflict ridden zone? And, the climax lies in the statement: "Rotary would not mind you working in Afghanistan after you graduate, rather they would be happy. But now [when Rotary is responsible for you] it is not possible."
Anyway, no ill feelings! All's well that ends well! I still do have an internship that I could have dreamt of... Staying in Dharamshala for more than a month is a blessing in itself, and I am looking forward to it!
Will keep ya’ll posted.. Till then, Adios..
"दूर जाना है बहुत्, मत देख आईना अभी से
अभी तो रुख़सार पे बहुत से रँग आने बाक़ी हैं |"
- हबीब हाशमी
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago
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