Was dreaming of playing around with words to express the "surreal" feeling of meeting Dr. Yunus.. Had no clue, the emotion is going to be so fast crushed under the reality of time..
"You should be grateful, you have this opportunity.." How many times does a receiver/individual who is benefited, gets to hear these words? How does it make him feel? What is it in a donors/good doers/opportunity providers mind, that they ought to make the beneficiary realize the same, again, and again, and yet again? "नेकी कर, कुए में डाल.." That's what they say.. Do good, forget about it.. Yes, that is idealistic world, and this is realistic.. But, for all those psychologists, ain't it an interesting field of research for you all?? I would seriously like to know the psychology behind this..
What does this have to do with me? Lots.. Just because I am awarded a fellowship, and I have "a window of opening, and opportunity", I should be grateful, and with utmost humility, accept the package as and what! If I flex my muscles, and get the things done the best suited way for me, I should keep in mind, "I have had the opportunity to get it my way", now no more asking.. I am a vegetarian, and because I got a vegetarian meal once, I should not grump further for vegetarian meal, but accept the non-vegetarian food being served.. Does this metaphor explain?
Any way, "मोडेन, पण वाकणार नाही.." I remember this from my school days.. Sorry, nothing at the cost of self-respect! No one gets to trample that..
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago
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