It is on days like today, when my belief is reinforced.. The belief in having the right person at the right moment with you.. Especially, when you are "human", and not at all wanting to be anything else.. This is when, a pat, a warm squeeze, a hug, just a word, anything from the right person is more important than a breath..
The walk on the rope gets really difficult, when there is no one to find on the other side.. No one to keep your sight on, to keep you stable through your walk.. Reminds me of an Akbar-Birbal tale, where an old man survived a night standing in freezing cold water, just staring at a lamp at distance, knowing that a lamp exists, and it radiates the warmth..
There has to be a mode of strength, hope.. For river to flow, water needs to exist..
Miss the one to talk to.. Miss the one..
Screen-time of the month: January
5 years ago
Hey Darshan,
I didn't know you blogged so avidly!!
Good post, I know how this feels... We read a million times about man being a social animal in our school texts, but little did we realise that this aspect was probably as/more important than basic O2 for survival!!
Blogging presents the perfect venting ground, eh?
Pray you find your ONE soon :)
Yea.. Blogging is a good vent, especially when you are struggling with your own thoughts, and you find yourself sitting alone in a room, surrounded by stagnancy..
@ The ONE: It has many lateral meanings in this post!
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