Darshan, what does the "Frd." behind your name stands for?
I have encountered this question several times, and have realized, the abbreviation is serving it's purpose, attracting attention to my name! ;) (The naturally unattractive need some tricks to arouse interest..)
On a serious note, it's acronym for my first love..
As a child, when I used to see people with title's such as "Dr.", "Prof.", "Lion", Rot.", etc., I used to wonder, how would it be to have a general title, which will exist irrespective of being a "Miss" or a "Mr" or a "Dr"..?? Eventually, in time, came in reality, my dream, my life, my child, my first love.. Friends' Society.. This was an opportunity for me to create our own title.. And, as stupid as I was, I started with "Fr." for "Friend".. There came a day, when I had to write to an American pastor, and bang came his reply, which church are you a "Father" of? Because, "Fr" is officially accepted acronym for Father.. To clear the confusion, and make the title more explicit, we added a 'd' to it, to make it "Frd."
'Frd' that stand for Friend.. Friend of one and all.. Friend of that what is alive, and that what has no life.. Friend of that what has a voice, and that what does not have a voice.. Friend of me, you, the trees, the nature, the globe.. A friend promoting "Universal brotherhood.. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam"
Thanks.. Though, the truth is, there were many, who in the initial year assumed, that they were communicating with a "Father", and thus, it indirectly helped Friends' Society get a recognition.. ;)
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