Sunday, November 29, 2009


I flew in yesterday, with very high spirits! This is what I had to say to my friends:

"Hey All… :)

One of those few times when I write a common email, but trust me, worth it! This is typed while on way from Chennai to Mumbai, and completed it right now… After 40 hours of travel and about 48 hours without sleep… :) (Believe me, I am about to crash..)

Anyway… As the flight was taking off from JFK, so was mind; the difference being, flight was following a predetermined path while mind was off in all directions. Something seemed different… And this is an attempt to share that perpetual smile of my face and the silver cloud! Those who know me, it is nothing new for these cycles of mine; but trust me, as I said earlier, something seems different this time. Sanyukta, like last time, I am not confused why I am in India. Neither am I feeling hopelessly out of place nor aimless. It is an unusual feeling of comfort with my identities as an Indian but an American student, living my life and understanding dreams of my family, being an individual still a part of society… There is a new found vigor, an inspiration to get the dreams come true, an energy to work on all the creative ideas I have been discussing. That emotion, the one that makes you let your hair loose, let your body go free. The desire of dreams… Something like Jonathan! Those who have seen Friends’ Society in its peak would know what I am speaking of.. :)

Yeah… The times changed, the change is visible. And there’s no scope for anymore eclipses, I’ve had my fair share of it. Hence forth, it is the free flow of life, “Like the Flowing River…” Deepika, after ages I signed my true self again, ‘Dee Dee.’ Don’t even remember when was the last time… :)

Shoot, that seemed a bit philo. That’s what happens when your brains conked off… ;-)

Anyhow, if interested, keep yourself updated with the blog (latest: ! Would love to have your comments. And for those who have been working with me, the Hitler’s back!!! ;-) lol

Love and hugs,

Darshan, the Dee Dee"

And now that yesterday is over, and I am back to ground reality... The reactions to my own email...

"Shoot... That's gonna be a tough walk, to make my idle brain function again. Does anyone know of any "brain grease"?" ;-) lol...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

My sweetie pies...

Baby girls…

What’s between me and babies? In general babies, but more specifically girls? (It is well known fact that I am biased…) Whatever it is, it is in those moments that I am me, with the personified innocence that I am holding in my arms!

What did I do on my long flight journey? That’s the answer… There were two sisters, an 18 month old and a four year old. The 18 month old initially started by waving her hands jubilantly jumping in her Mom’s arms. I waved and winked, she tried replying a wink. (Let me tell you, it was such an amazing feeling to finally see someone from the other gender responding to my wink. As most of you who know me, I am a complete failure in that department... ;-) lol) So, what started with a wink, turned into high five and then a low five, than a head bang and a sudden leap in my arms. She was playful, smiling radiantly. I didn’t know her language, she didn’t know mine. I tried using a bit of English, a futile attempt though. Anyway, not sure how much an 18 month old would understand of verbal language. And then we started playing. In a while, her Mom wanted her back, so I let her go. But within few minutes she was pouncing back. Back in my arms, a photo session and another round of fun! The flight was supposed to land and she wanted to sit on my laps. This time joined by her four year sister. One on right lap the other on left, we played, smiled, juggled… It was beautiful. And finally the flight landed… the kid who had cried through all the earlier takeoffs and landing, was playing this time. She didn’t even realize that the flight was on ground or there was sudden pressure change in cabin. The elder went back to her Mom, but the younger would not leave me. Rather she clutched more strongly. Time to disembark from a long journey, two bags to carry outta cabin and a kid in arms, what a family moment! ;-)… I slightly stroked her head on my shoulder and started patting her, swaying my body a bit and saying a lullaby. What lullaby, you wanna know? You will roll with laughter… “Chanda chamke cham cham, chikhe chokanna chor; Chini Chaante Chiti chatori chini gol…” ;-) But, it worked; slowly she dozed off to sleep. And then started my ordeal... The heavy back pack on shoulders, the cabin bag being pulled by right hand and a sleeping kid in left arms, I managed to get out of the plane, down the stairs, to the bus. By this time her parents and elder sister were already on bus. The sleeping beauty transited from my arms into her mother’s… :)

No clue what transpired between us, but the girl who would not leave her Mom was playing with a stranger for so long. This was not only today… Starting all the way back from Nandini, one of my cousin’s daughter who in her Uncle’s wedding was full time with me. Actually that is the most prominent experience I remember. Then came in Dhruv on my first camp, followed by kids from Tree Tops. Amongst the recent being Aarya, one of my cousin’s. I still remember the moment when she came to see me in hospital and in her kid tongue; she expressed her concern about me not looking at her… :) And then comes again the current love, my DC date, sweetheart Aarya again. (Not the same one though…) The pinnacle in DC was when she called my “Papa” irrespective of everyone around her reminding her again and again that I was her “Uncle”. What a pleasure to have a small 14 month old to trust you with that!

I cannot help but recall a text I had received long ago from a friend of mine, sitting right across me on a berth in the most famous Indian Railways, on one of our return journeys from a camp. She had sent, “Your daughter will have the most wonderful father ever…” I am not sure how good a father would I make, but I am sure a daughter would make my life the most wonderful gift for me. :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I was supposed to write something about a week ago, but thought it was too early. My blog is about me and my life, and usually I am too fast to put posts up. But, I assume, this time I was wrong. It was not too early, neither was I making assumptions or judgments. Sometimes, it is meant to be... It's about faith, and holding unto faith is me!

Anyway, so to the topic: What is ABCD? I've heard this phrase umpteen number of times since my arrival in States. Have been using it on and off, at times meaning it, at times just to tease the person. America Born Confused Desi, that's what it stands for. And, I used it a bit too much in last 15 days... Genuinely too much, though I never meant it. But how does that matter? I was using it any way. Indian that I am, proud to be a Desi, but would not know my limits to joke. Anyway... Too much use of that phrase slammed back in my face, BIG TIME.

The so called Desi's coming from India are very casual in categorizing the second or third generation American Indians as ABCDs, assuming we are the torch bearers of real India. How true is that? If you get an opportunity to interact with any of "them," take it and you will find the answer. I met an ABCD a few days ago. Got an opportunity to spend some more time with her over the weekend. Realized, she could speak better Hindi than most people I know from India. She knew more Hindi proverbs than me.. That's just an example. I have met many other ABCDs and known more about india from them than I knew... So, why even have that phrase? Dad gave me the answer. "It is how we perceive and not how the other person behaves." Speaks for itself...

I am proud to say I rarely judged the ABCD category. But, after this rendezvous, I doubt if I'll even use that phrase jokingly ever after. Desi am I, Desi are they; rather WE Indians!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In class update

So, here I arrive again. It's been a while... Have had quite a few things I wanted to speak about, but as you all know: My writing sprees. Right now, I am sitting in a class getting really bored. So, why not might as well share the boredom! ;-)

I had an amazing trip to Mexico. The conference was very productive and led to an invitation to another conference in DC. The DC conference was held last week and it turned out good. More so, the DC trip was perfect because of the double dates and catching up with a school friend after about 8 years. WOW... But in neither of the meetings with either of the three did I feel that I was meeting them for the first time or after ages. More about this will come in next post... Also, there was an interesting luncheon with two beautiful ladies in DC, that kinda was so perfectly timed, as if it was meant to be. Speak of Serendipity and miracles!

Now, sitting in class for the last week. Will be off to India next week... :) See ya all soon!