Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Women are..

Ohh mann, this blog was getting so serious! Mind you, my life's much better.. The "Ohh mann" proves that.. ;)..

I am sure, all guys would agree to what's coming next, @ one of the, or the, most important factor of our lives: Women... And, for my "women" friends, I have not written this, so please spare me of the rod.. ;).. Enjoy..


If you praise her,
She thinks you are lying;
If you don’t,
You are good for nothing.

If you agree to all her likes,
You are a wimp;
If you don’t,
You are not understanding.

If you visit her often,
She thinks you are boring;
If you don’t,
She accuses you of double crossing.

If you are well dressed,
She says you are a playboy;
If you don’t,
You are a dull boy.

If you are jealous,
She says its bad;
If you don’t,
She thinks you do not love her.

If you kiss her,
You are not a gentleman;
If you don’t,
You are not a man.

If you attempt a romance,
She says you don’t respect her;
If you don’t,
She thinks you do not like her.

If you are a minute late,
She complains it’s hard to wait;
If she is late,
She says that’s a girl’s way.

If you visit another men,
You are not putting in “quality time”;
If she is visited by another women,
“Oh, it’s natural, we are girls!”

If you kiss her once in a while,
She professes you are cold;
If you kiss her often,
She yells that you are taking advantage.

If you fail to help her in crossing the street,
You lack ethics;
If you do,
She thinks it’s just one of men’s tactics for seduction.

If you stare at another woman,
She accuses you of flirting;
If she is stared by other men,
She says that they are just admiring.

If you talk,
She wants you to listen;
If you listen,
She wants you talk.

In short :
So simple, yet so COMPLEX…
So weak, yet so POWERFUL…
So confusing, yet so DESIRABLE…
So damning, yet so WONDERFUL…



FateGlimpse said...

You should watch Chris Rock's videos on youtube. Funny take on women :)

Princess said...

Did you write this yourself??

Hilarious... but not entirely untrue ;-)

That's just how we're meant to be!! And bet you like us no way else!


P.S : You may find some of my blog posts on this topic interesting - read the tag "gender benders".

Darshan P. Mundada said...

@ Fate: Sure.. I will google it..

@ Ma'am Lonely: For matter of fact, I did not, though I enjoyed adding a few paras to it! ;)

And, I would have to lie, if I would deny your claim! Yes, it is no way else.. :) And bout your blog, it's interesting.. I am reading a entry a time.. :)